Monday, February 8, 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010




i SAID that i would be better at writing on this blog, but so far i haven't been. instead i have finished my finals, packed up my life at school, gone home for christmas, visited relatives in VA, brought in the new year with too much wine and Rockband, and started work at the museum.

i've decided to only make three new year's resolutions and give them my very best shot:

1. don't look to the future so much that i miss the present. i have a problem with this. i need to appreciate every day more.

2. stand up straighter. achieve better posture.

3. write on this blog more!

of course i have the requisite resolutions that i make every year: get in shape, talk to your parents more, be kind to the people you love, don't procrastinate.

i will try, try, try.

(pictures via here)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


well, i am 1/3 of the way through finals. i had my history of rome exam this afternoon and i guess it went fine. i never know about these things. i know some people who -as soon as they finish an exam, rush to their textbook and lament over questions answered incorrectly and such but i'm not that way. even if i didn't do that well i feel like "no need worrying about it -there's nothing i can do now!" and i suppose that is how i feel about finals.

right now i a writing a paper on the unicorn tapestries in the Cloisters so i have been reading UP on unicorns and in my non-existent spare time i found these great unicorn themed prints on the blog


bruce mackay
this one made me smile because a lot of the sources i have been reading talk about unicorns as a metaphor for Jesus...and this unicorn has cross-eyes. oh bruce mackay you are so up on your medieval unicorn iconography!

matty cipov
this one is my second favorite...i love the stamp label.


joe cocks

this one is my favorite. narwhals are just so funny!

this one is by the author of
is this a linoleum print? it is beautiful!

okay, back to work.

Monday, December 14, 2009

a.p.c., mociun, rachel comey oh my!

dries van noten! ooh lala! size 36 though, oh so sad.

as a poor college student, soon to be a poor college graduate i don't spend a lot of money on clothing, or on much of anything. but i do spend an inordinate amount of time on ebay and etsy looking for good deals on cute things. i will look and look and sometimes even press the "place in shopping cart button" but ultimately my boring common sense kicks in and i don't end up buying anything. still, there is something thrilling about finding a great deal even if you aren't the one to benefit from it.
recently, i found this great little blogspot blog that allows readers to sell their clothing. It is mostly designer stuff with a few vintage finds thrown in every once in a while. What makes this blog great are the truly bargain prices. The ladies who post their old clothes on this blog aren't looking for a profit -just to find another like-minded woman who will appreciate their old things.

so, without further ado:

so buy away! or in my case, dream away!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Home is just another word for you.

As I prepare for this move (mentally, not yet physically) I wonder to myself, "why? why am i moving so far far away from my family and the life that i have known for 21 years?"

well, this song sums up just about the only answer that i can come up with to that question:

i found it on A Catalogue of Enchantments -a lovely little blog by a gal of my very own age who somehow seems to have things really figured out.

2 years later...

well, here i am. here we are. it is 1 year, 11 months and 1 week since i last wrote on this blog. 

so much has changed since then. 

and many things are still the same. 

then: i was a sophomore in college -thick in the heady, wild rush that is life away from your home.

now: i am mere six days from graduation and grown-upism

then: i was secretly, angrily, passionately, desperately in love with C.

now: i am still the latter two, but add on happily and sillily.

then: starting a blog to procrastinate on finals

now: re-starting that same blog to....procrastinate on the FINAL finals!

there are a lot of changes going on in my life in the near future. the most momentous of which is that i'm picking everything up and moving across the country. i'd like this blog to be a way for my loved ones to be able to see what i am up to oh so far away...and perhaps to make new friends with similar interests in my new land.

the changes ahead: 

in one week i will be back home in pgh

in two weeks i will be visiting my grandparents in VA

in three weeks i will be living with C.'s parents and working at a museum

in five weeks i will be back home again

in seven weeks i will be driving 3000 miles across the country to a new life i go! 

Monday, January 7, 2008

Let's smoke cigarettes until the sun rises

Well, I'm back at school for winter term. I only have one class four days a week, so I have a feeling that this next month will be a blur -as well it should be. A couple of my friends and I kicked off winter term by driving to the windy city this weekend. It was a beautiful three days filled with wine, thai food, art and temporary tattoos. On the way back last night my friend Emelio shared with us this absolutely fantastic Justice track featuring Uffie (who by the way is my age and already one of the coolest human beings on the planet). After staying up until 8:30am (after spending 7 hours in the car) drinking, watching Interstella 5555 (and the sun rise) with wonderful friends and listening to this awesome song on repeat I've decided that it is the anthem of January 2008.

And here is a sweet LA Riots remix of The Party: