Friday, December 28, 2007

Yo Bitch Believe Me

I've been in Utah so I haven't posted in a couple of days, but I had a free moment this morning, so I'm posting a couple of videos that I came across this morning/last night. I have had time to check the blog scene for new music, but this is almost as good.

Yo Gabba Gabba!

Apparently this is some kind of tripped out children's show. I just like it because the video looks/sounds like something The Go! Team would create, the main dude reminds me a LOT of Spank Rock, and I'm pretty sure Biz Markie makes an appearance around the 55 second mark.


Oh shit, I was right! It IS Biz Markie!!!!

Fucking Insane Animation/Music by Cyriak

My friend sent me a link to this video last night and it is absolutely insane. Five minutes of short animations ranging from funny to slightly unsettling to fucking creepy set to some tight electronic music. Watch it. But not on shrooms.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

mah vaJAYJAY's painin'!

I've run across some pretty funny "get to know your body" puberty sites recently (don't ask) and I wanted to share a couple with you. So let's get together a laugh about some good old fashion body humor!

oh hell, if we're going to act like third graders i might as well post this clip:


Enjoy your afternoon.

Child Rap Simulators

What has prepubescent Lupe Fiasco, Kanye West and Pharrell rapping over a singing, keyboard playing 10 year old Thom Yorke who bears a striking resemblance to Michael Cera?

This video:

I have no idea what this is all about, but it is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet. Apparently the group of superstars is calling themselves C.R.S. (Child Rap Simulators) for this collaboration. I don't know if there are future projects for the C.R.S. but oh, I hope so.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Home Again Home Again

I got home from school late last night and what have I done since then? Sleep, watch TV and sit on the computer. My family is in VA and doesn't get back until tomorrow night so I have the house to myself. Anyway, in my laziness today I stumbled across two things that I'd thought I would share:

#1- Landon Pigg - Falling in Love in a Coffee Shop

I actually heard this song in a DeBeers Diamond ad while watching Return to Fat Camp 2 on MTV (I know.) It's the ad where a couple is fondling hands in the car while driving around in a snow covered city and the man slips some kind of diamond thing into the womans hand and etcetera etcetera it doesn't matter. Yes, the song is a little cheesy, and I think it would be greatly improved if it was simply an acoustic piece but the lyrics are cute and Landon's voice has an incredibly sweet earnestness that immediately made me wish that I was out of my plaid pajamas and empty house and sitting in a coffee shop booth sipping an expresso with the boy I like.

#2 - I don't know if you know much about the writer's guild strike, but if you're wondering why you can't watch new episodes of the Daily Show or Heroes, then that's why. Basically, Hollywood writers are upset (among other things) about not being paid for any of their work that appears on the Internet. I totally understand where they are coming from and I very much hope that they will end up with what they want, buuuuuuuuut a little part of me wishes that they would just stop it with the strike already and write me up some Lost episodes. February is already too long to wait, I don't want to have to wait until October or even Feb. 2009 to find out if Jacob is real!!!! Ahem. Anyway, some pretty funny videos have come out of this -mostly from writers and actors with too much time on their hands. Here's one that really made me laugh:

lol @ David Cross.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Really. It's Humiliating.

I have just exhausted every possible procrastination option on the internet. And in the library. So I started a blog. Lord Almighty.